​Patiently, over the months, between 2021 and 2023, Claudia Solal and Hasse Poulsen meet between Paris and Picardy to compose a series of pieces, of intertwined sketches, constructed from poems written in French by Claudia. These texts, both impressionist and gothic are mostly odes to nature, - nature-blade, sharp as the Moon : a contemplative reverie, a fiery and inner journey between fleeting emotions and remodeled memories.
Between romanticism and post-modernism, Claudia and Hasse dreamed up 9 songs of a singular beauty, having the savor a chamber opera. To light them up, they asked Simon Drappier to join them.
Cérémonie de thé was created at the beginning of 2024 at Le Triton. It evokes the necessary slowness of our 20’s, our own ones, the quiet perseverance of the clouds in the lunar mist, the downy tops of the yellow mountains in the freshly bloomed spring ...
A music, indocile, freed from stylistic codes, in tribute to those who, against all odds, continue to dig, impassively, their furrow in the inscrutable clay of time.
aux confins de moi, il y a cet étang
d’une sève virginale, d’une paix vertigineuse
où je plonge chaque matin, clandestine,
tandis que frémit la ville où, captive,
je concasse les idées, cisèle le persil plat
il y a bien longtemps que tu ne m’as revue
le ciel pourtant, jamais, ne déroge à son beau fixe